Person of the Week
Elvis Plintle (“Pete”) Brown
Pete Brown, far right, was the son of Samuel Jenkins Brown, and brother of Marvin L. Brown. He married Agnes Meyer. This photo was taken in Pete’s barber shop in San Antonio, Texas. It is believed the shop was located on Broadway. Pete and Agnes Brown are buried at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas.
Adrian Taylor Bertling
Visit the newest Individual Pages: Adrian Taylor Bertling
Adrian’s Family Photos
Crowell Family Photo

A remarkable recently found photo!
George Crowell is seated second from right.
Annie Crowell Bertling is seated to the right of George.
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Visit these pages with newest links to their gravesites:
Sallie Adams Littlefield Malone
William J. Adams
Henry Bertling
Annie Catherine Crowell Bertling
John Cleveland Bertling
Eula Bertling Brown
Betty Braddock Brown
Samuel Jenkins Brown
Nathan Washington Brown
Samuel Jenkins Brown
Marvin Leonard Brown
Blanche Littlefield Brown
Jane Ann DeMoss Brown
George Miller Conquest Crowell
Mary Eskew Moses Crowell
James I. Foster
Cecil Holloway
Mary Lansdale Little
Rice Littlefield
Birdie Little Thomas
Rosa Kaiser Wernli
Jacob Wernli
Person of the Week: Alice Wernli Parker
Kenedy Girl is Expert Telegraph Operator
Miss Alice Wernli, 20 years old, daughter of Mrs. Gottlieb Wernli has the distinction of being the only girl telegraph operator on the Southern Pacific railroad lines between San Antonio and Corpus Christi and from Kenedy to Houston on the Kenedy-Houston branch. Miss Wernli is manager of the Western Union office here and has been so for two years. She is an expert operator and frequently sends more than 100 messages in a day. (1928)
New Individual Pages
Sara Marie Holloway
Brian Z Holloway
Charles Patrick Holloway
Addie Jo “Jody” Smith Holloway
Anders Monsen
Updated Individual Pages:
Samuel Lee Brown
Brenda Brown Holloway
Updated Family Pages:
Sam’s Family Photos
Charly’s Family Photos